Ready to kick start your Chinese language journey? Here you can find a series of learning packs designed for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced learners. These packs are available in either single or bundle options. You can preview the content in each pack to find the perfect fit for your learning needs. Start your language adventure today!
The learning packs for the Beginner level are specifically crafted for young learners. The packs come with fun and interactive elements such as animated videos, quizzes, word pronunciation, online activities and printable worksheets with writing practice and drawing components. The fun-filled activities will keep learners entertained while they pick up new vocabulary at their own pace.
For learners who already have a basic foundation in Chinese and wish to further expand your vocabulary, delve into these comprehensive packs that include commonly used Chinese words alongside an extensive range of words organised by categories. Learn through writing practice, word pronunciation and quizzes aimed at solidifying your proficiency.
The learning packs designed for this level are tailored for those seeking a more advanced mastery of the language. The packs include the learning and understanding of Chinese proverbs and their usage. Packs consist of videos, online activities and quizzes to help learners grasp their meanings and use them effectively in everyday assignments and conversations.
The print activity books in the Beginner Packs are currently available only for bulk order. Please enquire more here.